关于传统文化与建筑的托福作文范文,当今生活一切以经济发展为主。保护传统文化着实处于一个尴尬的境地,关于提高燃油价格的托福作文范文?以下就是北外托福小编为您整理的关于传统文化与建筑的托福作文范文。In order to combat ever-severe environmental pollution, the majority of governments around the world adopt the policy of increasing fuel price. It is true that fuel PETrol, gives rise to a sharp increase in carbon dioxide, which is recognized as the main culprit of world-wide climate change. As for me, however. the leverage of price to address environmental issue is far from the best way. To begin with, higher price is only functional as to poor people. but wealthy people remain untouched. It is apparent that due to meager income, needy families are more sensitive to price fluctuation, while the relatively low price is nothing attractive to those with high income. Moreover, more often than not, only those affluent people will enjoyprivate cars with high volume of emission, so this price increase can never achieve the desirable effect. The latest poll shows that the majority of people care for more comfort and convenience brought out by private cars than transportation cost. Apart from the limited influence of price hike, this practice fails to touch upon the core of environmental pollution. No doubt that the emission of fuel consumption threatens the environment substantially, but there are many more factors contributing to this undesirable situation. People lack the awareness of preserving the environment, so they throw away rubbish randomly. For example, in tourist attractions. travelers are indifferent to rubbish everywhere, and eco-friendly tourism fails to attract them. Furthermore. concentrating on their own welfares, different countries are reluctant to participate in international cooperation to tackle the pollution, which hinders marked progress in efficiency. Indeed. price increase will have a bearing on people's choice when it comes to which transportation means to take up, and after elaborate comparison, some people have to prefer mass transit system with low cost. An efficient way to address environmental problem calls for an integrated joint efforts from government and individuals. The increase in fuel price is only one of the solutions.
为了解决日趋严重的环境污染问题.很多国家都采取了提高燃油价格的方法。确实,燃料消耗.尤其是汽油,导致了空气中二氧化碳迅速增加,而这被视为全球气候变化的罪魁祸首。然而,在我看来,依靠价格杠杆来解决环境问题绝不是比较好的方法。 首先.高价格只会对穷人有影响,而富人毫发未损。由于收人有限,贫穷的家庭才会对价格波动敏感,而低廉的价格对高收人家庭没有太多吸引力。进一步说,只有富有的家庭才会驾驶大排量的私家车.所以价格提高不会取得应有的结果。近的调查表明大部分人更关心的是私家车带来的舒适与方便.而不是交通成本。 价格提高不仅影响力有限,而且无法触及环境污染的核心问题。燃料确实极大地威胁环境,但有更多的原因导致这个局面。人们缺乏环保意识,到处乱扔垃圾。例如,游客对垃圾熟视无睹.不关心生态旅游。进一步说,各个国家只注重自身的利益,缺乏足够的合作,这也阻碍了取得更大的进展。 的确.价格增高会对人们的出行有一定的影响。权衡利弊,一些人会考虑相对廉价的大众交通系统。 一种有效的解决环境问题的方法必须是综合的.包括来自政府与个人的共同努力。提高油价只是一种方法而已。
发布时间:2022-07-07 02:37 点击:129