雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,思贝奇英语小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于手机和电脑取代书信的雅思作文范文。Inevitably, modern technologies and traditional skills coexist in the contemporary world, where both computers or mobile phones and letter-writing in pen are typical illustrations. Some prophets believe that this balance is only transient,and in the end the traditional skills have to give way to more advanced and efficient technologies. On the one hand, standing for future orientation, modern innovation can definitely promote our working efficiency considerably. With the help of computers, a mountain of assignments can be accomplished instantly. For example, word processing, document filing, and commercial e-mail have transformed the heavy load of office work into a light one without the necessity of too many clerks involved. The mobile phone is another case in point. No matter how far away we are from our acquaintances, we can reach them as soon as possible, which is bound to alter interpersonal relationship fundamentally. On the other hand, representing invaluable tradition, letter writing is unique, so the extinction is really a pity. By writing a letter in pen, we can have access to the evolution of traditional culture, appreciating innate beauty of words. Writing Chinese, we can not help wondering about the magical charm of Chinese hieroglyph, are strongly interested in oriental culture and furthermore try to preserve those human legacies. By contrast,if we are blind to the dying out of those traditional skills, then it is really short-sighted and to some extent,it is a betrayal. In fact, modern development does not necessarily need to sacrifice traditional ideal picture should be this way: both sides have good reasons to exist and people can benefit from the perfect combination of modernity and tradition. After all, the world gets tolerant enough to incorporate diverse parts.
不可避免地,当代社会中现代科技与传统技术共存。计算机或手机与手写信的并存就是典型的例子。一些预言家断定这种平衡是暂时的.终传统的技术总将让位于更加先进、有效的现代科技。 一方面,现代创新代表着未来方向,定会极大地提高我们的工作效率。在计算机的帮助下,大的工作可以瞬问完成。例如,文字处理、文件管理、商务电子邮件已经把繁重的办公室工作变得轻松,不需要过多的职员参与。手机也是一个合适的例子。无论我们身处何方,总能很快联系到朋友,这从根本上改变了人际关系。 另一方面,书信代表了宝贵的传统,它与众不同,其消失也着实令人扼腕。通过写信,我们可以了解传统文化的演变史,欣赏到文字那与生俱来的关.汉语的书写过程使我们不禁惊叹于象形文字的魔力,对东方文化产生浓厚的兴趣,进而努力保护那些人类的遗产。相反,如果我们对于传统技术的消失熟视无睹,那是极其短视的,并且从某种程度上来说是一种背叛。 事实上,现代的发展并不意味着必须牺牲传统文化。理想的画面应该如此:双方都有充足的理由存在,而且人们可以从两者的完美融合中受益匪浅。毕竟,世界变得足够宽容,可以融合各种不同的事物。
发布时间:2022-07-07 12:27 点击:196