









  What should be the purpose of college education? No doubt, different people, or even different universities, may see it quite differently. As to me, I tend to support the view that it should aim at cultivating the students' overall abilities.   First of all, social progress needs overall-developed college graduates in the long run. When we ask ourselves the question: "What kind of college graduates does the society need?" The answer is just too obvious: ones with。good command of the knowLEDge n thef own fields of with a healthy body, ones with a healthy menta你ones with good communication skills, ones with teamwork spirit, ones with creative, innovative ability or the the ability for implementation. What are all these things? Again, the answer is just simple:overall abilities.   Second, an overall developed graduate would find a job more easily. You can ask around an employer of a certain enterprise: What type of employees do you wish to employ? If this question is a little unclear, we can make it more specific by letting him make a choice: A.   an overall developed college graduate; B. a none-overall developed college graduate. Supposing every other things remain equal, we have sound reasons to believe that he will definitely select A.   Admittedly, it is praiseworthy of universities to be concerned about their graduates' job-hunting issues, for anyone should first solve the problem of making a living before talking about later on development. Besides, if is also the shared aspiration of all college graduates to have a wet-paid job that they like and that points to a good prospect in the future. However, no one would ever deny the fact that to cultivate the overall abilities of the students s always closely re-lated to and in no way conflicts or contradicts good job opportunities.   From the foregoing discussion, we can come to the conclusion that the purpose of college education should always target at cultivating the overall abilities of the students.

  大学教育的目的究竟应该是什么呢?毫无疑问,人们肯定会有不同的看法,甚至各个大学之间也会观点相左。我个人倾向于培养学生的综合能力。   首先,从长远角度讲只有全面发展的学生才是社会发展所真正需要的人才。我们可以间问自己:社会发展需要什么样的大学毕业生呢?很明显答案是:有良好的专业知识、有健康的体魄、有健康的心态、有较好的沟通能力、有团队精神、有创新力或执行力。这一切的一切归纳起来是什么呢?答案很明了:综合能力。   其次。全面发展的学生必然更容易找到好工作。随便问一个企业的雇主:你希望雇用什么样的员T.?如果这个问题有些不明确,那就把问题具体化。请您选择:A:一个全面发展的大学毕业生;B:一个不是全面发展的大学毕业生。在其他条件都相同的情况下,我们有充足的理由深信这位雇主肯定会选择A。   诚然,大学关心自己毕-SIN生的工作问题是值得称颂的,因为任何人都首先需要谋生,然后才能谈进一步的发展。有一份自己喜欢的、收人好、工作前景好的工作也是大学毕业生们所期盼的。但是,谁也不能否认,培养全面发展的学生与好工作机会之间永远都是密切相关的,不是相冲突、相矛盾的。   基于以上论证,我们可以清楚地认识到:大学教育应该永远以培养学生较强的综合能力为目标。

发布时间:2022-07-08 12:01  点击:119

