英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。成都美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:关于购买皮具制品的英语对话。1 .Here's a very popular wallet. 这种钱包很流行。 2. It looks well-made and will come in very handy. 看起来做工很好,也很方便。 3. It helps resist stains and water. 它有助于防污防水。 4. We have satchels in all sizes. 我们有各种大小的提包。 5. I'm looking for a handbag as a gift. 我要买个手提包当礼物。 6. This is made of genuine leather. 这是真皮的。 7. It's real synthetic fur. 它是真正的人造皮毛。 8. Any bag made from snake has "the look". 蛇皮包是这一季抢眼的元素。 9. This is a girdle of famous brand. 这是一款腰带。 are made of leather of kangaroo and crocodile whichmake you feel comfortable. 它们是袋鼠皮和鳄鱼皮制作的,穿起来很舒服。 is in at the moment. 目前皮革很流行。 12. It doesn't怕ke anything. 没有假胃任何东西。 's a quite fancy one made of alligator skin. 这儿有个特别好看的,是用鳄鱼皮做的。 all depends on the quality of the leather and the way it ismanufactured. 这就要看皮的质量和做工了。
Cindy: I'm looking for a handbag as a gift. Salesman: We just received a shipment of several different styles handbags. Cindy: Would you show me the white handbag? Salesman: Here you 're in luck. This is the only one left. White is popular this season. Cindy: Yes, I believe it is. But there is a stain here. Salesman: We have something that might interest you. Cindy: Oh? Anything better? Salesman: Look at this one! What do you like? Cindy: Wow. I have never seen such a nice handbag. I'll take this one. Salesman: Let me ring this up for you at the register.
辛迪:我要买个手提包当礼物。 售货员:我们刚到一批各种式样的手提包。 辛迪:请把你们的那个白色手提包给我着看,好吗? 售货员:给你。你真幸运,就剩这一个了。这一季白色很流行。 辛迪:我想也是。但是这里有个污点啊。 售货员:我们还有一种包你可能会喜欢。 辛迪:哦,还有更好的? 售货员:看看这个!怎么样? 辛迪:哇。我还没有见过这么好看的手提包呢。我就买这个。 售货员:我用收银机帮你算算多少钱。
发布时间:2022-07-08 15:33 点击:132