雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,北京朗阁雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于交通安全的雅思作文范文。The only way to improve the safety on the roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 改善公路安全的罕有的办法是更严厉的惩罚违规行为,在某种程度上你同意这个观点吗?
Traffic has taken the place of cancer and become the main factor in causing death. How to solve this problem is a big headache of government. The usual way is to give strict punishment for driving offence. Personally I think it is one solution, but in no way the only one.
First, we have to admit that, apart from subjective factors, there are objective factors deteriorating road safety. For example, in some third world countries traffic systems are not so developed: roads are narrow and rough. All these make driving extremely difficult and thus increase the unsafe factors in traffic. Or in big metropolitan cities, as the number of traffic vehicles is roaring up recently, the development of road system seems rather slow relatively. It is common to be trapped in traffic jams. When people have to hurry to work, driving offence is unavoidable.
Second, just as the proverb goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. It is better to prevent driving offence than to give strict punishment for it. There should be more effective measures. For example, the driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is. All drivers should take the test every three years. The age at which people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21. All advertising stressing power and performance of cars should be banned. The government should distribute more capital in improving the road condition. We should strengthen the people' s education of the sense of road safety.
Strict punishment is a neither only nor good way to improve the safety on the roads. only in the condition that other solutions cannot be exercised, should punishment be chosen. 北京朗阁雅思资深老师认为,雅思范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以北京朗阁雅思为您提供关于交通安全的雅思作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。 交通已经取代了癌症成为导致死亡的主要因素。怎样解决这个问题也令政府十分头疼,通常的做法是给予交通肇事者严厉的处罚,我个人认为这是一个解决办法,但绝不是惟一的。
严惩并不好也不是惟一的办法来改善道路交通安全。只有在其他方法都不能实施的情况下才应选择惩罚。 北京朗阁雅思认为,雅思写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。北京朗阁雅思小编希望本篇关于交通安全的雅思作文范文能给大家有所启发。
发布时间:2022-07-09 11:11 点击:140