厂家直销Lisport XL 人造草坪磨损测试仪

厂家直销Lisport XL 人造草坪磨损测试仪

产品单价:159.00个/台 品牌: delta仪器

最小起订:1 台

供货总量:1111 台

发货期限:付款后 30 天内发货


未认证 谨防假冒!


Lisport XL 磨损测试仪是一种严格根据FIFA 国际足联 FIFA Test Method 15中的有关描述要求生产研发的新型运动面层磨损检测仪器,它能更真实的模拟运动面层的磨损情况。设备部件采用3d打印技术生产,使用更方便,安全和人性化。

The LISPORT™ XL is a new génération of wear simulation machine replicating realistically wear simulation of sport fields after years of usage. The wear pattern is characterised by the compressive stress of football studs (cleats) and the abrasive wear caused by flat-soLED sports shoes.

Testing duration is reduced by a factor 10 compared to traditional LISPORT™

Developed over five years, extensive trials have shown the LISPORT™ XL replicates the wear patterns observed on real fields. A major step forward, it is already adopted by the industry as the most state of the art means of producing realistic simulated patterns.

The equipment offers numerous advantages:

* Note: Labosport analysis on the basis of 10 years of usage at 70 hours a week

See our product brochure: Lisport XL

发布时间:2021-11-22 12:46  点击:244

